Wood Family History

Hilda Daire

Hilda DaireSummary

Hilda on her 105th BirthdayA long life

Mum, Nanna, Great Nanna, Hilda passed away peacefully after a great life on 17th March, 2005, aged 105. She was blessed to have had a long and healthy life as we were blessed having her with us for so long, not many families would have their mother with them for this length of time. A funeral mass was celebrated on the 22nd March, and was buried at Fawkner cemetery with her husband George.

Hilda around 1995Family

More Info

1911 English Census

Shipley cum Heaton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Julia Durham Head Female 20 Undercliffe Bfd, Yorkshire
Hilda Daire Visitor Female 11 Shipley, Yorkshire (at school)


Listen to Hilda recall her first meeting with her future husband, as told to Eddie in 1974.

Click hear to download the audio file (This can take a few minutes - wait until download is complete before playing). The recording quality is pretty poor, so to help you, the following is a transcript of what I think was said (corrections welcome).

young Hilda Daire"Oh well, this was funny! I was out down in Shipley with a girlfriend of mine, and this sailor was on a bicycle you see, very handsome looking, and his nice uniform - he looked nice. And she said 'Oh, I know, that's Stanley Wood', so I said, 'I don't know him.', 'Oh yes', she said, 'He's a boyfriend of mine', you see. And he smiled and he waved, and he got off his bike and he wheeled it back and came up to us. And we got talking, she introduced me. It ended up, he was taking the other girl home, then stayed with me! She thought she was the one - but it was me. So she was quite annoyed about this"